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West Moors Middle School


Equality Objectives

Objective 1: Improve pupils’ understanding of and respect for people from different cultures.

Why we have chosen this objective: 89% of our pupils are White British and 3% speak English as an additional language. We therefore lack diversity within our community and acknowledge our responsibility as a school to ensure that pupils are provided with opportunities to learn about people with different cultures, languages and beliefs. 

To achieve this objective we plan to: Create opportunities for our pupils to learn directly from people and groups who come from or have specialist knowledge/experience of different cultures in order to promote increased understanding and respect.


Objective 2: Reduce the gap between girls and boys achieving the expected standard in mathematic in KS2.

Why we have chosen this objective: Our 2019 KS2 SATs results showed a gap between the percentage of boys achieving the expected standard in mathematics (83%) and the percentage of girls (67%). Nationally, the gap between boys and girls is insignificant – 78% of boys achieving the expected standard compared with 79% of girls.

To achieve this objective we plan to: Ensure pupil progress meetings identify girls who are not making expected progress and allocate resources accordingly. SLT to review math provision to ensure that it is not disadvantaging girls. 

Equality Policy