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West Moors Middle School


The Inclusion Hub


Attached to West Moors Middle School lies our Inclusion Hub, specialising in Complex Communication Needs. The aim of our provision is to provide additional support through the Inclusion Hub, to ensure that our children can access mainstream classes 80% of the time. Our staff work closely with a range of professionals, including an Educational Psychologist, Specialist Teacher and Speech and Language Therapist.

Our school day starts at 8:30am and we finish at 3:00pm

Admissions: Which children can attend the Inclusion Hub?

Places in West Moors Middle School’s Inclusion Hub are only available to pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

Schools, parents and/or professionals may recommend that a child with an EHCP is considered for consultation for a place in the provision. They are then referred to the SEN Admissions Panel that is facilitated by Dorset Council.

During the panel, each child is considered on an individual basis against the agreed admissions criteria (See Below) for complex communication needs (CCN): pupils will also have significant need in social communication and, sometimes, a diagnosis of CCN such as Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC).

Admissions criteria:

– The child/young person will have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which identifies social communication and interaction difficulties as the primary area of need.

– The child/young person has the potential to make progress with a suitably differentiated mainstream curriculum.

– With the support of the resourced provision, the child/young person can work towards being in a mainstream classroom for the majority of the time.

Core offer:

The core offer includes:

  • bespoke package for each pupil, including an individualised curriculum, tailored to each pupil’s individual needs.
  • aim for children to be in mainstream classes 80% of the time.
  • afternoons have a therapeutic focus, including work on social skills and emotional understanding and regulation.
  • Chameleon HQ has a main classroom area, sensory room, exercise area, break-out spaces, dedicated outside area and a ‘chill-out space.

Wider Curricular Provision:

We work closely with wider professional agencies to identify SCERTS targets and to implement Zones of Regulation interventions whilst inside the Inclusion Hub. These bespoke sessions are complimented by outdoor learning, gardening, forest school lessons too. Children also do cookery sessions every week, alternating between sweet and savoury dishes, which they often make for coffee afternoons, where they can share their dishes with their parents/carers.