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West Moors Middle School



What We do

The Governing Body at West Moors Middle School has a strategic function, while the headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school:

  • We establish the strategic direction of the school by setting the school’s values and objectives. 
  • We agree the school strategy including its priorities and targets, ensuring that statutory duties are met. 
  • We support as well as challenge the headteacher.
  • We ensure accountability to the children, their parents and our community by appointing the headteacher, and by monitoring the educational performance of the school by analysing progress towards agreed targets.
  • We ensure financial probity, by setting the budget and monitoring spending, ensuring sound investments are made and risks are managed.

We meet regularly: all governors attend Full Governing Body meetings once every half-term to discuss:

  • Standards & Improvements:  focused on ensuring accountability
  • Resources:  focused on ensuring financial probity

The Board of Governors at West Moors Middle School abides by the school’s ethos, to be the best that we can be.  Specifically, we:

  • Understand the school’s strengths and weaknesses, and work with the Senior Leadership Team to evaluate performance.
  • Strive for the best possible outcomes for the children and the school.
  • Uphold the Seven Principles of Public Life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty, leadership.

We don’t:

  • Deal with issues with a particular parental communication
  • Deal with issues one parent has with their child’s progress in a subject

We do:

  • Consider how the school could improve its overall communication with parents
  • Hold the school to account for the progress of all children in their learning across all subjects