Accessibility Tools

West Moors Middle School


ITS Learning Platform

At West Moors Middle School, we use a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) on the Its Learning Platform. This provides pupils with access to the curriculum resources (e.g. PowerPoint presentations, texts and video clips) and explanations of the learning from all their lessons in one easy-to-access central location, as well as encouraging digital learning, virtual project work, communication and collaboration through the VLE.

Furthermore, if a child were to be absent from school, they would be able to access all the day’s lessons and submit their work to their teachers via this Learning Platform.

At the start of the academic year, all children are shown how to access and use this VLE by their year group tutors.

Remote Learning Guide 2022-2023

If your child is not ill but has to isolate, they should continue with their learning from home.

How can parents and carers help their children?

Please ensure that your child is checking their planner each day to see which tasks have been set via the ITS Learning Platform, and the deadline for these. Try to create a home learning zone that is away from the television and other distractions.

Every week, we would be grateful if you could check and sign your child’s planner at the bottom of the page. Tutors will read and check their children’s planners every Tuesday.


Under the title Ferndown Pyramid of Schools, please also add:

Cranborne Middle School –

Eco School – recap:

Our school is very proud to have registered as an Eco School which recognises our commitment to developing strategies that sustain and enhance resources and the environment. We have already achieved a BRONZE Eco Schools Award and are well on our way to achieve the Green Flag status, as a result of the hard work of our pupils, parents and staff in addressing environmental issues.  
Eco Warriors meets every Tuesday after school with Mrs Middleton (our Eco Schools Lead). The children share ideas, complete an annual environmental audit, set environmental targets, run environmental campaigns across the school, hold assemblies to update our pupils, work within our polytunnel and run competitions. All of which help our school to work towards achieving our Eco Schools targets.  

 For more information about Eco Schools view their website

Rights Respecting School

Please replace the text on the new website with the updated version on the current school website at